Pathways School Curriculum Vision
A curriculum to develop confidence, independence and healthy relationships.
Mathematics Intent
At Pathways School, we believe that Maths is a life skill and all students will leave Pathways School with the confidence and knowledge required to be: fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, be able to reason mathematically and solve problems by applying their mathematics to a different work and social contexts.
Across all Key Stages and in all lessons students are given frequent opportunities to build fluency and recall previous knowledge. Students will then be supported to develop their problem solving skills, systematic working. They will be explicitly taught how to select appropriate skills and extract relevant knowledge to solve a range of problems. Bar modelling and visual representations will be used to support this and enable students to develop their metacognition. Through carefully selected knowledge, the Pathways Mathematics curriculum ensures a clear and seamless transition between study of Mathematics between Key Stages.
Our high expectations and aspirations
All lessons are delivered using an “I do, we do, you do” lesson structure which allows us to:
- Be explicit with the knowledge that we choose to teach
Ensure that all of our lessons support the delivery of the intended curriculum
By the end of KS2, Students will be able to confidently recall many number facts and see how they are linked, they should understand the concept of inverse operations and equivalence in mathematics. This key mathematical knowledge will be presented in a range of ways using the concrete, practical, abstract approach. Through carefully sequenced learning students will attain knowledge with an increasing level of complexity. Foundations of mathematical problems will be established at this point.
By the end of KS3, Students will continue their Mathematics study at the level identified at the end of KS2 and through carefully planned knowledge and precision teaching will begin to close any significant gaps that may exist. By the end of year 9, all students will have had either a Functional Skill or GCSE Pathway identified for them in preparation for a successful KS4.
By the end of KS4, Students will have a secure knowledge of operations on number and number systems, handling data and statistics, shape space and common measure. The emphasis will be on making links between different mathematical domains, interconnectedness and mathematical problem solving. Students attaining at a higher level will have the opportunity to study GCSE Mathematics. All students will leave Pathways School with an appreciation of Mathematics as a life skill and will be able to apply their knowledge of Maths to a range of different work and social contexts.