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Pathways School is an all aged special school catering for pupils with complex social, emotional and mental health needs between the ages of 6-19. The school is a designated free school/academy and is part of Eko Trust. The admissions policy has been drawn up in order to ensure that children with complex social, emotional and mental health needs are admitted in a fair and efficient manner and that placements are made with the confidence that the school can meet the special educational needs of each pupil. 



  • The admissions authority for the school is that of local authority SEN admissions/placement teams. 

  • The school admissions policy conforms to that of the DFE Special Educational Needs Code of Practice 2015. 

  • The equality Act 2010 prohibits schools from discriminating against disabled children in respect of admissions for a reason related to their disability. 

  • The school expects that all pupils referred to them will have a primary need of social, emotional and mental health (SEMH). 

  • Admission to Pathways School is when the school is the named educational provision (after consultation) recorded in a pupils Education, Health and Social care plan (EHC). 

  • The Local Authority will provide the school with any reports, assessments or documents relating to the child. The school will not be expected to consider the suitability of a request for admission without receiving all relevant paperwork outlining the child’s needs. 

  •  Pathways School will agree to be the named school in a pupil’s final EHC plan, except where we feel the following conditions may apply: 

                The school cannot meet the child’s SEN; 

                The placement would be an inefficient use of resources; and 

                 The placement would be incompatible with the efficient education of the other children 

                 with whom the child will be educated


Click here to download Admission Arrangements for Pathways School

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